Now available to watch IMIA Sustainability group to present on the topic of the day (FPIC application to construction); 30 min presentation of Société du Grand Paris on their Environment strategy and especially on how they measure, control and reduce the GhG emission from the project (200km new
Register Now – “In the first phase of the research, we established that underwriters were aware that terms and conditions for risks were unsustainable during the soft market. Despite this, underwriters still accepted
Construction is fundamentally a risky process in which both hazards and opportunities can materialize. This applies in particular to underground construction, where partial ignorance of the existing conditions implies constant uncertainty and thus opens up constant scope for the occurrence of events
Transformers risk management: “adoption of Natural Ester dielectric fluid as fire risk mitigation plan.” – presented by Luca Masetto and Roberto Fernandez of Cargill
Tony and his team have collated the results of the survey and have shared the initial results and analysis with the IMIA EC as a consequence the EC felt the topic sufficiently interesting to invite Tony to present a webinar to the global Engineering underwriting community.